Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Week 3: Gonville and Caius College

Another week of Cambridge
Hall Crash. 13:10 Rendez-vous at
the Peppercorns.
Purchase baguettes.
A cheeky shot outside
the Gonvile and Caius college entrance.
Enter through the Humilitatis.

Well pleased with this first
timed shot attempt. Got both
Rehan and I *and* the
Stephen Hawking portrait.

However, the college
butler came and told us we could
not have our own food in the hall.

For the first time the
Hall Crashers get busted.

Shaken but not stirred, we find
the JCR, finish off the sandwiches,
and have a good chat. 14:00,
Rehan and I finally
part our ways to the ChemEng
department and the Cavendish
respectively to resume our Cambridge days.

Next Week: Trinity Hall.

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