Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Week 5: St Catharine's College

La shot touriste with the
front court of St Catz.

St Catz is full of benches.
A convenient place to come
rest your feet if you're in the
middle of the town.

It was our first time to
come to St Catz hall. We had to
look it up on the map in front of
the porter's lodge.

Not a little nervous,
we found our way to the hall
(stuck away at the far corner
of front court).

They accepted cash. It was
a rinse to crash.

In the hall, with Rachel!
It was great to see her.
(patience, Rehan!)
Rachel also filled us in on
lots of St Catz peculiarities
(use of word 'rinse' and
speaking slowly viz
"that is baaaad". And
yes, Gandalf went to Catz)


The food was okay, and
really we couldn't complain.

How cool is that! A little
conveyor belt for leftover trays.
The coolest we've seen by far.

Next Week: Corpus Christi College

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Week 4: King's College

A classic shot outside
the King's porter's lodge.

The weather was good.
Not so cold, and with sunny spells.

Rehan had a juicy leg of duck
with some potato
wedges and I had some
fried fishy noodles. All in all
a very good crash.

Another shot of Rehan
sporting his red "I don't
want to be seen wearing
the same clothes week after
week on CHC blog" jumper.

King's proved to be a surprisingly
easy crash. Hard cash accepted--and not
so expensive either.

Yesterday was Rehan's 21st and
I was so gutted that I didn't know.
Will make up for it this Thursday.

Next Week: St Catharine's College

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Week 3: Holy Trinity Church (Identity Talk)

Cheeky shot outside
Henry Martin Hall
before going in to HTC
picking up a sandwich
before the talk

So after a break last week
(even the almighty crashers
need one now and again)
we thought it would be great
to 'crash' a CICCU Mission talk
since this is the Identity Week.

The talk title was
"Won't God accept me as I am?"

It was a very good talk
addressing the non-religious
atheists about the implications
of a personal God.

Rehan, who had only heard of
"the Prodigal Son" but never
actually heard the story,
thought it was good.
The baguettes were good. (and free!)

Next Week: King's College