Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Lent Term Week 1: Clare College

A whole new term of Cambridge
Hall Crash. The future is bright.
It's amazing. TYG.

God once again provided us
with a random college
student who let us in on his card.

The food at Clare was good--I had
some vegetarian pie thing and Rehan
had some chicken with potatoes.

We thought that their newly-built
eatery area was very 'functional',
with some nice little photos on the walls.

A "who's yer daddy" angle shot
of the angle daddy. Lovin' it.

Actually on the way out we just had to
take a shot of us in the Old Hall too.

Note the twit with the hat on in the background
trying to get in on a bit of the action.

We also discussed the possibility of
inviting a third member into our party
(and yes, names were mentioned)
but we decided against it, for

"Two's company, three's a crowd."

Next Week: King's College

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